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   The employees Research-Production Company "UNISERVICE Co.Ltd" - graduated from the
leading technical high schools of USSR and Russian Federation (MIPT, MAI, KAI, МHТU, МАTI etc.).
Many of them holding Ph.D. scientific degree, have been working for a long time at enterprises of aircraft industry
in Zhukovsky - TsAGI, FRI, NIIP , in an air-space Design Bureaus.

The ability to solve complex, non-standard scientific and technical tasks, aquired by the employees during years of work in research institutes and at the enterprises of air - space industry, determines,
alongside with other factors, high level of work "UNISERVICE Co.Ltd" in the scope of buildings management systems creation.
  Nowadays more than 200 employes are working at Research-Production Company "UNISERVICE Co.Ltd".
В этом году научно техническое предприятие “УНИСЕРВИС” отмечает 20-летний юбилей